We will talk about two most important circumstances that are of fundamental importance for the promotion and implementation of the project, as well as the future perspective for those who will be the owner of the LAUM Project or advanced technical products in the form of ready-made LAUM.
FIRST circumstance. The developers of the LAUM project, along with investment, are considering the possibility of selling the Package of design materials to an interested Buyer, who can be any legal entity or individual. These can be both Russian and foreign representatives. And this approach should be understood in a certain way. Which option for the implementation of the project will find a greater response and can take place earlier than the other, that will be given priority in implementation. For a group of developers, both options are equally acceptable and interesting, since in the end either of them will lead them to the desired result - the implementation of the LAUM project.
SECOND circumstance. The development team is currently working on a new project, tentatively titled "Project Invisible". The name speaks for itself. On the basis of LAUM, a new technical advanced version of the aircraft is being developed, which will have an invisibility mode as a separate functional and independent technological capability. All scientific and technical activities of the team will now be completely focused on the preparation of project materials and the promotion of the "Project Invisible".
Next, we consider each circumstance in detail.
By the FIRST circumstance
In the case of investment, the project executors are the development team itself, headed by the project leader. In order for the project to be fully and successfully completed, an overall investment of 80 (eighty) million US dollars is required.
With this option for the implementation of the project, investment funds will be used gradually, regularly returned and re-received in parts during the expected payback period. The largest should be only the first tranche of US $ 24 million. After the first batch of the sale of LAUM to already announced and determined Buyers, the proceeds will return in about 1.5 years as an investment, but later in a smaller amount determined by the business plan of the project.
This is the best option from the point of view that its execution will be the most competent for the executive and the most efficient for the economic reasons. Because the development team is better than anyone else with the necessary scientific and technical knowledge, organizational and industrial experience to implement the project. And in the investment turnover, in fact, there will be the minimum required amount of investment funds, not exceeding the amount of the first investment.
But this option also has a deterrent. Most of the team members are of considerable age and, in the case of a long period of attracting investments, simply for health reasons and due to age, they may eventually leave the project. Then replacements will be required with the search for new competent performers, whom it will be rather difficult to find quickly with such a project topic, both in time and in qualifications.
In the case of the sale of the complete package of materials for the LAUM project, their cost will be an order of magnitude lower, that is, only 8 (eight) million US dollars. In addition, it may be possible to make partial payments by mutual agreement in agreed amounts and within a specified period of time. All contractual conditions will be determined by the Contract with their preliminary mutual agreement in all aspects.
After full payment, the interested Buyer will be the sole and rightful owner of an advanced and extremely progressive project that does not have serious competition at this stage. And at the same time it will become a potential world leader in aviation and space construction. And then he will recruit a team of performers at his own discretion from his trusted circle, which is also important for the successful implementation of the project. It is clear that the team must be cohesive, united and purposeful. This will be all the more significant if the purchaser of the Package of Design Materials is a foreign representative.
The package of design materials will include all the necessary and mandatory documents and materials for the constituent sections.
Economic section: financial and economic justification of the project, a phased business plan, financial model, investment program.
Commercial section: product promotion plan (marketing), customer acquisition plan, definition of the product market sector, sales plan and sales market expansion.
Production and technical section: production development plan, procurement plan for engineering and production equipment, design and technological documentation.
Scientific section: scientific description of innovative structural and technological materials, scientific substantiation of a new technology of motion, scientific description of new applied inventions, scientific and technical description of technologies for the manufacture of new materials, equipment, components and assemblies.
Administrative and organizational section: principles of forming a team of executors, interaction with partners and external structures, legal aspects, information security issues, copyright compliance and patent law.
The technical and scientific content of the design materials is such that specialists with modern technical knowledge and scientific knowledge in the field of gravity control can easily understand it. The project is presented and prepared in such a way that in the finest details and details it describes clearly laid down planning periods, monetary volumes of development and sequential stages of project implementation. With a competently selected team of performers, the successful implementation of the project is fully guaranteed.
The sale and purchase transaction for all project materials will be made on the basis of a bilateral Contract with preliminary agreement on terms with the prospective Buyer. The project manager will give preference to the Buyer who accepts a number of special conditions. They will be related to the purpose of the project, the security of the development team, copyright for inventions, as well as the agreement to pay on the terms of the Seller. All approvals will be carried out in the order of individual discussions for each individual condition.
All negotiations for the purchase of a complete Package of design materials should be conducted exclusively with the project manager of LAUM. Mediators in negotiations are clearly excluded. A personal meeting and business acquaintance will be held with a potential Buyer without fail.
To organize negotiation processes, it is necessary to contact directly the project manager of LAUM at the contacts indicated on the website: either by the official e-mail address, or through the feedback form set on the contact page of the Project Manager.
By the SECOND circumstance
In any case, the advantage in the acquisition of "Project Invisible" will be given to the buyer who will have either the LAUM project or the Aircraft with Universal Mobility themselves. The explanation here is the simplest and most straightforward. Technologically, the creation of the invisibility mode is possible only on the scientific and technical basis of LAUM.
Here, both newly applied innovative structural and technological materials and innovative motion technology are of paramount importance. Only on the basis of these cutting-edge innovations can Invisible technology be built. For only the innovative materials and new physical principles of motion in space used in LAUM have the necessary and obligatory technological properties that constitute their general scientific and ensure obligatory technological compatibility.
At this point in time, any scientific or technological details in any part of the project cannot be disclosed for obvious reasons. It is precisely new technical and scientific knowledge that is important here, which will provide undeniable commercial, financial, economic, political and other obvious advantages and benefits arising from them. Therefore, now and in the future, any new information will be submitted in a limited way and with extreme caution, taking into account the importance, relevance and progressive significance of the "Project Invisible".
The exact cost of "Project Invisible" at this stage is still considered classified information and will be available in the near future only to those real applicants who will have either the LAUM project or the Aircraft with Universal Mobility themselves. It can only be asserted with some certainty that, in general, the estimated cost will be comparable to the cost of the LAUM project with a tendency to increase. The determining factors in this aspect will be new technical and scientific knowledge, which requires the creation of innovative equipment and new scientific equipment. At this stage of development, their rapid production makes some uncertainty due to the lack of relevant scientific and technical documentation. It will soon be developed and applied for the created Invisible technology.
In the future, the following equally important and effective circumstances should be clearly recognized and taken into account. Applicants for the purchase of "Project Invisible" will already be the real carriers of innovative scientific and technical information, moreover, the owners of the material and technical base in the form of a prepared production infrastructure and the finished LAUM themselves. Therefore, they will strictly and reliably save any information relating to this project with special care and caution, providing themselves with the above indicated economic and financial benefits, and at the same time special, unattainable and inaccessible to all others commercial, technological and other significant advantages in the future large-scale business.
Extended information with additions and latest changes can be found in Главная (ru) section.
